By Aaron Cordy
SHEPPARTON’s vibrant African community was well represented in a celebration of cultural diversity and collaboration when the African Studies Group (ASG) and the University of Melbourne(UM) Chancellery co-hosted an inaugural African Community Day at the UM, Parkville last month. An event aimed to fortify connections between African-Australian communities and the University, showcasing a commitment to inclusivity and fostering meaningful dialogue.
The Goulburn Valley was also represented by local, Tina Mukasa who was a panellist representing Networking African Australians.
“It was a pleasure to be one of the panellists representing Networking African Australians for African Community Day held at UM in late November. I had the opportunity to discuss with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Michael Wesley and Padmini Sebastian Director, Engagement and Partnerships about the key issues faced by the multicultural students,” said Tina Mukasa.

“For example, I emphasise the financial burden it has on the disadvantaged students and their families when students relocate to the metropolitan to complete their tertiary education, however, there isn’t enough financial assistance. When I studied my Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health) at Latrobe Uni in Bundoora, I was lucky enough to be supported financially by the Smith Family and my beloved dad Maulidi Mukasa in order to complete my bachelor’s degree.
“In addition, as a past alumna of UM Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program, I spoke about the different ways in which the University could engage with multicultural appropriate opportunities for students to enable them to fulfil their dreams and goals.”
Well Wise Woman and Notre Dame College student Ayak Padual coordinated the day noting that “It was a wonderful day, we had fun and we learnt a lot about what Melbourne Uni offers,” she said.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Michael Wesley endorsed the idea of making this day an annual occurrence, highlighting the enduring relationship between the UM and the African community.