By Kelly Carmody
THE Murchison Bowls Club along with the help from generous community members and local businesses, were responsible for feeding many in need over the first week of the floods in Murchison.
The Bowls Club secretary Rachel Puts said it started on the Friday night as the river was really starting peak.
“We were down at the club having a member’s game and a few drinks, discussing what was happening around town and then suddenly people just started turning up. Being 4 meters above the expected peak the club became a safe, dry place within a central location,” said Rachel.
“People got hungry, so we raided the freezers and cooked up a BBQ in true Aussie spirit. Before leaving that night, the committee members made the decision to return the next day and that’s what we did for a week,” she added.
“We battled with no power, no mobile phone coverage but the word got out and all these amazing local donations from residents and businesses kept coming. At times it was hard to hear people’s heart-breaking stories, but it was a good feeling knowing that we were all helping, and that people were being fed and could feel like they had someone to talk to, we really do have a wonderful community,” said Rachel.
Thursday nights from 4pm the Bowls Club is open for free barefoot bowls, socialising, and a BBQ dinner. The cost of the BBQ is $10 per person, but children under 12 are free. For more information, please call Wendy on 0419 622 909.