Undera primary school enjoy new playground

FUN NEW PLAYGROUND... Undera primary school now have a new playground to enjoy. Photo: Supplied

STUDENTS at Undera primary school now have a new playground to enjoy after the planned upgrade works have been completed.

The project received $168,665 from the Minor Capital Works Fund 20-21 to upgrade its playground area, including the installation of new inclusive play equipment, ‘soft-fall’ surfacing and shade sails – ensuring children have a modern, safe and more inclusive space to play, learn and interact with each other.

“This is a safe and inclusive play space for all students to enjoy and landscaping of the area will take place over the next few weeks to finish off the project,” said Undera Primary School acting principal Robyn Bell.

“The playground includes a 6-metre-high climbing frame, slides, a rope bridge and a climbing wall with soft-fall rubber surfacing below and shade sails overhead. Students are now more active at recess and lunchtime and have been developing their social and motor skills in a fun and active way.”

FUN NEW PLAYGROUND… Undera primary school now have a new playground to enjoy. Photo: Supplied