Votes are in for cutest chrissy pooch

FIRST PLACE...Kathy McPherson, with one of her Corgi pups, all ready for Christmas

OUR winner of the five WB Hunters dog wash vouchers by a close vote is Kathy McPherson, with one of her Corgi pups, all ready for Christmas

FIRST PLACE…Kathy McPherson, with one of her Corgi pups, all ready for Christmas

Although the other entries on the page weren’t successful, we felt they still needed to be recognised in print for their efforts and cuteness.

Lucy the Lab, bestie and family to Lilly McPherson

Two-year-old pet maremmano Kalbee, a very special family member to Miriam, Moses (9) and Walt (6) McIntosh.

Olivia Murley with her best four-legged mate Jimmy.