900 GV businesses ban office water coolers

GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT... And even better for business, led by directors, Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre, choosing Aquafil over bottled water could save your business money. Photo: Kelly Lucas.
GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT... And even better for business, led by directors, Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre, choosing Aquafil over bottled water could save your business money. Photo: Kelly Lucas.

While office water coolers are often a great place to catch up on all the gossip, many workplaces across the world are banning them for environmental, health and now COVID reasons. 

GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT... And even better for business, led by directors, Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre, choosing Aquafil over bottled water could save your business money. Photo: Kelly Lucas.
GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT… And even better for business, led by directors, Bill Dowling and Craig McIntyre, choosing Aquafil over bottled water could save your business money. Photo: Kelly Lucas.

A trend that started with London councils and Scotland’s hospital system has now found its way to the Goulburn Valley. 900 businesses across the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria have banned the traditional office water cooler with a 15litre water bottle on top. They no longer exist in 900 workplaces. 

These old fashioned 1960s style office water cooler have been replaced with state-of-the art Aquafil Fresh water coolers. The Aquafil Fresh water cooler provides a high-tech filtration and purification system of tap water leaving it chilled and ready to be consumed. This means workplaces will never have to order, store and stack or lift a bottle of water again. 

 “I had been delivering bottled water for over 15 years. Six years ago, Bill installed what is now an Aquafil Fresh water cooler in my own home as a trial. Two weeks later I quit my day job and Aquafil Fresh was born. I knew hands down it was the way of the future,” said Aquafil Fresh co-director Craig McIntyre. 

“Businesses now have a far greater awareness and focus on being environmentally friendly. They understand bottled water has to be pumped out of the ground, transported to a factory, packaged and transported again.” 

 “It is a real win, win situation. In 99 percent of cases, businesses actually save money on their bottled water bills by using an Aquafil Fresh water cooler,” said co-director Bill Dowling. 

“Aquafil Fresh water coolers are definitely the way of the future. Do the environment and your health a favour and never pay for bottled water again. Now that is a win!”