Carmel Johnson Development manager, Shepparton Art Museum (SAM)

Notwithstanding the challenges of the last twelve months, the opening of the new, iconic Shepparton Art Museum has been a welcome and exciting state-of-the-art addition to the Shepparton landscape.

The recent win received by its architects, Denton Corker Marshall, at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2022 Victorian Architecture Awards, grants us ever more pride in this astonishing institution.

SAM has provided the opportunity for the community to embrace and engage in the diverse and dynamic exhibitions, and to participate in the accompanying public programs and events.

With more than 60,000 visitors and the generosity of the many donors, the SAM Foundation’s $7.4M capital campaign is almost finalised–an extraordinary achievement given the difficulties of the last two years.

A dedicated and skilled team, the staff at SAM continue to demonstrate their commitment every day to ensuring that the community will always be inspired, challenged and enriched each time they visit.