Council Rates Strategy

The perennial topic of rates is always discussed around Council election time or to put it more bluntly, why are Council rates so high!

And so, it should be discussed, given that rates revenue accounts for the majority of annual revenues.

A recent letter was received from Jim Andreadis on behalf of a number of residents, indicating that our rates are excessive compared to neighbouring councils and what would each candidate’s attitude be in respect to perceived excesses.

There are three occasions that rates are examined, viz., at the rating review strategy meeting held early in the new Council year, the midyear budget review to determine whether the budget remains on track and finally, the annual review in May.

The rating review strategy meeting gives the opportunity for existing rates calculations and methodologies to be questioned and if necessary, changed.

In May, Councillors are presented with potential revenue and expenditure numbers and the analysis behind those numbers. They then examine, question, disagree with or accept all or some of the presentations.

It is at this time that our community members are also invited to examine the accounts, make comments, suggestions, ask for alterations and consider how cutbacks can be made,

Furthermore, the Council’s accounts are published on the website and are available for the community to consider.

It should be noted that rates increases have been annually capped at 2% for the last 4 years by the State Government with Greater Shepparton City Council’s annual accounts showing an increase of around double that amount in relation to road making materials costs.

There is no doubt that COVID 19 will also have an influence on our Council and there remains uncertainty as to the full effect of the pandemic.

For example, local government is expected to employ extra staff in these tough times, to take the load off state and federal agencies. Greater Shepparton is employing an extra 204 workers through the Working For Victoria program.

If elected, I will take the concerns as expressed in the letter to council for explanation and the consequences in terms of efficiencies, change in capital works or reduction in services, if the rates methodologies were altered.

Geoff Dobson

Candidate for Greater Shepparton City Council.