Han and Her Four Men

THE TRAVELLING FAMILY... Pictured, the Budge Family who have been travelling around Australia for two and a half years. Photo: Supplied.

THERE is no time to be bored in a country as beautiful as Australia, especially if you are like the Budge family whose experiences, backyard and neighbours change regularly. Having three kids living out of a camper van, home-schooling or as Han refers to it as ‘road-schooling’ has had its hard days, and along the way they have sacrificed a lot to live such a life, but the amazing journey has taken them on many adventures and finally a road to a place, they will soon call home.

In February 2020, Hannah Budge and her husband Leighton left the Northern Wheatbelt of WA with their three children Josh (13), Matt (11), and Sam (9), in search for a new home after working and managing farms in the district for five and a half years. With no farm of their own they set out to find somewhere they belonged in their beloved heart country.

Just six weeks into their new adventure Covid hit, which forced them to slow down the travels and work on farms across Australia for the seeding and harvest seasons. In such uncertain times, they gained connections and stability on their journey and enough income for the year. Hannah is also a highly creative photographer and blogger, and I had the pleasure of meeting her and her four men at the Kyabram Rodeo, where I found her sitting behind a fence line, with camera in hand.

“Another form of income for us is my photography where I capture families in front of my lens and sell prints of my travel photos. We have also had many incredible work opportunities from tourism companies, which has given us some of the best experiences,” said Hannah.

When asked what one of their top free camps was, the Murray River was high on their list, with Zenettis Beach near Yarrawonga being in their top three, for all of Australia.

After two and a half years on the road this family is now heading towards QLD, where they hope to settle in the next six months.

“Whilst we are looking forward to putting down roots, we know that this is time we will never have back again. We also no longer say goodbye to anyone, it’s always ‘see you somewhere down the road.’ To spend each day with your family (even when they sometimes drive you insane) is never time wasted, and I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.” said Hannah.

To follow the Budge family’s adventures head to Facebook and type ‘Han and Her Four Men’.

THE TRAVELLING FAMILY… Pictured, the Budge Family who have been travelling around Australia for two and a half years. Photo: Supplied.