Kangaroos keep cool and carry on

With temperatures soaring past 30 degrees in Victoria across summer, the kangaroo mob at Kyabram Fauna Park are keeping cool with delicious carrot icy poles prepared by keepers. After the icy poles are hung up in the trees, the curious mob – including a few adorable joeys – hop on over to the treat and use their hands to dig into their favourite summer snack.

Kyabram Fauna Park Life Sciences Coordinator Ellice Duncan said the Kangaroo Island roos have thicker fur than species found in warmer parts of the continent due to the cold winters in South Australia – so they really love the icy treats.

“This mob of kangaroos are not the biggest fans of the heat, so to give them some relief we make icy blocks with their favourite food – carrot,” Ms Duncan said. “The moment they see the keepers coming with their favourite treat of carrot ice they hope right over and use their powerful legs to reach up and tackle the ice.”

Victorians can help wildlife that visit their backyards and balconies during the warmer months by providing safe access to water. Simply place a shallow plastic or ceramic (non-metal) dish in a shady spot close to shrubs or trees, away from pets and roads. Create an escape route by putting a rock or stick in the water for animals to climb out if they fall in. Keep the water clean by changing it every day and more regularly on really hot days.