Northern Victoria now has access to innovative new treatment for depression

rTMS DEPRESSION TREATMENT…Dr Vijay Raj and Healthy Mind Solutions Team are bringing new mental health treatment options to regional Victoria. Photo: Supplied

ONE in five Australians is affected by a mental illness or disorder, including depression.

Whilst a range of treatment options is available, including medication and psychotherapy, for some people these are not appropriate, or are insufficient on their own.

Newly opened in Shepparton, multidisciplinary mental healthcare practice Healthy Mind Solutions (HMS), is working to make sure that people in Northern Victoria have access to a full range of treatment options. One of these is the technologically advanced repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS).

rTMS is a non-invasive and painless treatment, involving electromagnetic pulses that stimulate the nerve cells in the brain, in 20-30 minute walk-in-walk-out treatments. It’s particularly effective for patients experiencing depression that don’t respond to typical treatment methods, with studies showing that patients are experiencing a much higher quality of life, and lower use of antidepressant medication.

In November 2021, the government made Medicare funding available for rTMS, significantly increasing accessibility and making it a viable option for depression sufferers.

Until now it’s only been available to people living in metro areas, but with the advent of Healthy Mind Solutions, regional Victorians now also have access to this innovative treatment. For more information, call 5897 7500. The practice is located at 207 High St, Shepparton.

rTMS DEPRESSION TREATMENT…Dr Vijay Raj and Healthy Mind Solutions Team are bringing new mental health treatment options to regional Victoria. Photo: Supplied