Autumn lawn care

SET YOUR MOWER A LITTLE HIGHER FOR AUTUMN… Over the next few months, grass needs to recover from a hot summer with a little more length. Photo: Supplied
SET YOUR MOWER A LITTLE HIGHER FOR AUTUMN… Over the next few months, grass needs to recover from a hot summer with a little more length. Photo: Supplied

After yet another hot summer, it’s the time we greet cooler evenings and begin to get ready for the cold winter.

Summer’s climate conditions went from one extreme to the other. Hot days and little rainfall or cool days and the occasional shower. About now you might start to notice some reactions from these climate patterns, with seed heads materialising, and deterioration in both leaf colour and development.

Autumn is the perfect time to begin increasing the mowing height of your lawn, especially in sheltered and shaded regions of your garden. You ought to be leaving at least 50mm (5cm) of leaf on your lawn, even up to 60 – 70mm (6-7cm) in substantial shade. This will offer a superior leaf surface zone for your lawns for photosynthesis, allowing the grass to create essential sugars which are key for its general wellbeing. Preserving a touch of additional length will likewise be valuable when winter approaches, as the grass leaves have a tendency to end up less ice affected with just the very tips dying off, leaving green growth underneath.

On the off chance that you haven’t checked your soil’s pH levels for some time, pre-winter is an appropriate time to do so. Out of balance pH levels will not only diminish your lawn’s presentation, it will also reduce the impact of fertilizing your lawns. The ideal lawn pH level is 6.5, which is somewhat acidic. It may be that you have to adjust a low soil pH, generally this is achieved by utilizing Sulfate of Ammonia, which will work to diminish alkaline soils.

Now is time to apply a decent Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) fertilizer to your lawn before winter arrives.