Upgrade your bedroom and sleep better

ACCORDING to the latest data from the Sleep Foundation Australia, more than 1.5 million Australians suffer from sleep disorders, costing the economy more than $5.1 billion annually in health care and indirect costs.

There is currently no catch-all cure for insomnia but there are quite a number of small changes you can make in your life that may help you get a little bit of shuteye.

Changing the layout or design of your bedroom is just one way to possibly tackle insomnia and here are a few design tips to make your sleeping space appropriate for just that, sleeping.

Meditation nook

Your bed should be only for sleeping. If you want to spend more time in your bedroom, either reading or watching TV, consider creating a separate space with either a comfy chair, ottoman, pillows or rug.

Indoor plants

Not only are indoor plants great at promoting calm, but they are also very good for your health. Of course, they look great too!

Less clutter

Clutter creates anxiety, even if you aren’t aware of it. Consider clearing away the mess in your bedroom, especially prior to sleep, as the physical clutter can subconsciously riddle your mind.

Love your centrepiece

Consider choosing art or a centrepiece for your room that you absolutely adore. If you are happy being in your bedroom and looking at all the pretty things in there, chances are you’ll be comfortable to sleep there too!

No television (and minimal technology)

Talk to any sleep specialist and they’ll tell you that technology is having a detrimental effect on our ability to rest. If you are struggling with sleep, take away the TV and keep that in a separate space from where you sleep. Still struggling? Keep your phone in a different room at night too and wake up with a good ol’ fashion alarm.