Breathe easy: Getting the best from your air conditioner

SIMPLE STEPS TO ENSURE COOL EFFICIENCY FROM YOUR AIR CONDITIONER...with regular DIY cleaning you can avoid spending big bucks later on.

AS the fresh spring breeze first blows through your open windows, it is an opportune time to plan for the ensuing warmer months ahead and to consider giving your trusty air conditioner a clean and service.

Making sure your air conditioner is spotless is not only about cool efficiency in summer, but essential to maintaining your family’s health, particularly for allergy sufferers.

Simple, spring maintenance of your air conditioner begins with an inspection of the unit’s motor. If there is a swathe of dust, dirt and grime then getting a service booked with your local air conditioner service provider is highly recommend, however, cleaning or replacing your filter regularly can prevent future build-up.

SIMPLE STEPS TO ENSURE COOL EFFICIENCY FROM YOUR AIR CONDITIONER…with regular DIY cleaning you can avoid spending big bucks later on.

Monthly testing of your air conditioner keeps the unit in top shape, while also maintaining the strength of the seals. Checking for any cracks or damage as well as listening for any strident sounds coming from the motor, can also prevent future expense by promptly making a call to a local technician.

However, if you’re satisfied your air-conditioner is in top shape and just requires a spring clean, a gentle wash around the outdoor compressor will ensure good airflow, while washing your grille filter in warm soapy water will prevent any nasties from blowing about.