Keeping the unwanted visitors away

PEST CONTROL THIS SUMMER... As the weather heats up, cleanliness as well as practical adjustments to your home can keep the nasties away. Photo: Supplied
PEST CONTROL THIS SUMMER... As the weather heats up, cleanliness as well as practical adjustments to your home can keep the nasties away. Photo: Supplied

AS a rule of thumb, the higher the mercury rises, the greater the chance of unwanted pests around your home during summer.

Nevertheless, there are several tried-and-true things you can do to protect your home from the worst of any pest invasion.

PEST CONTROL THIS SUMMER... As the weather heats up, cleanliness as well as practical adjustments to your home can keep the nasties away. Photo: Supplied
PEST CONTROL THIS SUMMER… As the weather heats up, cleanliness as well as practical adjustments to your home can keep the nasties away. Photo: Supplied

The first and most effective step in avoiding pests is to maintain cleanliness in and around the home. This includes removing any uneaten pet food near and from entry or access points, cleaning away any lingering crumbs and ensuring all waste is disposed of efficiently. Grass should also be kept short and overhanging plants trimmed back away from the house.

Eliminate pest access points by keeping doors and windows shut and installing screens on windows and chimneys. Seal cracks and crevices and repair any broken pipes that could serve as tunnels into your home.

In the pantry, secure food in sealed, airtight containers, avoiding the use of plastic which pests can quickly bite into.

Keep floors decluttered and clear away piles of clothing which could house cockroaches and other ground crawling nasties.

When regularly checking your home for signs of pests, don’t forget to check bedding and linen cupboards for indications of sneaky parasites such as bedbugs and fleas.

When all else is done, having your home inspected and treated by your local trusted pest control professional every 12 months is the most assured way of keeping your home pest and bug free this summer.