Pet fur, no more

HERE COMES THE FUR... Regular grooming will be your best bet to cope with shedding over spring and summer if you have pets. Photo: Supplied

YOU love your pets but you may not be such a fan of finding their hair billowing around the house or covering surfaces in fuzz. While your pet is losing its’ winter coat, employ some of these tips to cope with the shedding.

Wash and groom: Monthly baths are recommended to remove excess fur and grime. Even cats can benefit from bath time, but it’s best to start this when they are kittens. Once the mercury starts to climb, give your pet a thorough bath with shampoo, and wear rubber gloves while you bathe them to loosen as much fur as possible. Let them run in the warm sun to dry off.

HERE COMES THE FUR… Regular grooming will be your best bet to cope with shedding over spring and summer if you have pets. Photo: Supplied

Make it a habit: Different hair types require different grooming schedules, but routine brushing can minimise shedding while improving your pet’s fur by preventing knots and distributing natural oils through the fur. Regular grooming will make the world of difference and a professional can help you with this, while ensuring your pet’s coat is looking luscious. Brush long-haired pets daily, and pets with shorter hair every two to three days to capture fur that would otherwise end up on furniture.

Invest in the right brusH: There is a range of pet brushes that achieve different results. Wire-pin brushes are great for wooly or curly coats, and slicker brushes are ideal for pets with an undercoat. Brushing with the right brush can curb shedding later and keeping a routine is the best way to stop pet hair ending where you do not want it.