Ten top water saving tips

AUSTRALIA’S harsh climate, along with prolonged periods of low, or next to no rainfall, often equate to widespread drought and water shortages.

From an early age we are taught to be water wise and that the practice of saving water should always be top of mind.

Regardless of where in the country we live, managing our precious water resources is a responsibility afforded to all.

As summer rolls around, it is important to remind ourselves that saving water in the garden is just as important as saving water in the home.

Top water saving tips:

  1. Choose drought hardy plants, like natives for your garden. They require less water and contribute to providing natural habitat for many species
  2. Moisture manage your soil
  3. Water to suit your soil type
  4. Use a moisture meter or similar – a stick or screwdriver will do
  5. Water when it’s cooler for better soil absorption
  6. Assess your irrigation needs and apply the least wasteful and most effective watering techniques
  7. Avoid over watering
  8. Collect rainwater
  9. Reuse grey water
  10. Mow your lawns on the highest setting to retain grass and soil moisture