Winter energy saving tips

CHEAPER BILLS... Following energy saving tips can help reduce the cost of your bills. Photo: Supplied.

THERE are many easy and effective way you can save more energy and money at home. Energy Victoria provide many practical tips at

1. Set heating to 18-20 degrees
According to Energy Victoria, every degree higher than this tempurature can add around 15 percent to your gas bill. When using your heater during winter, only heat the rooms you’re using and close doors and curtains to keep warm air inside.

2. Fit draught seals to window and door openings
Consider fitting draught seals on openings of windows and doors to keep hot air where you need it, in the home.

3. Turn off non-essential appliances at the switch
A simple flick of the switch can save money and energy. When not in use, turn non-essential appliances such as computers, printers, televisions, and entertainment systems off at their power points. Electronic devices can use up to 10 percent of your household’s electricity on standby.

4. Run a full load of washing
Waiting until your washing machine or dishwasher is full before running a cycle is great for savings. To save even more, choose the shortest washing cycle when you can.

5. Insulate your roof.
Effective ceiling insulation can save you up to 20 percent of your cooling and heating costs. If you’ve already had insulation installed, check that it’s been correctly installed and has the right rating (measured in ‘R-value’). In Victoria, insulation rated R3.5 or higher should be used for ceilings.

CHEAPER BILLS… Following energy saving tips can help reduce the cost of your bills. Photo: Supplied.