THE impact of GV Hospice Care Service is well-known in Greater Shepparton. Their special team of health professionals, nurses, volunteers and other staff work to provide a specialist community-based driven care supporting end-of-life patients and their families.
“People can be referred to Hospice by their doctor, oncologist, hospital, family, or they can self-refer, but the person being referred must agree,” said GV Hospice Care president, John Beaver.
Through GV Hospice, a nurse can be made available to discuss a person’s concern any time of the day or night, 24-hours-a-day, 365 days a year, inclusive of all public holidays.

“Many people believe that a palliative care diagnosis is a death sentence, but that is not always the case. People don’t always die, they can be discharged because they get well and then they might come back to us in the future,” said volunteer coordinator, Maree Chin.
GV Hospice Care supports people with a life-threatening illness to live well, and in doing so, provides support within the person’s home to support symptom management and to improve the quality of life of individuals, carers and families.
“I have been involved with Hospice for about 28 years, meeting with them and representing them in Parliament and was always aware of their wonderful reputation and service,” said GV Hospice Care president, Jeanette Powell, a role she has held since 2019.
“The Hospice Committee of Management is a voluntary team of passionate, dedicated, skilled local people committed to ensuring Hospice has the funds, policies and staff to continue to meet the palliative care needs of the community, now and into the future.
GV Hospice Care welcomes, encourages, and supports the participation of many diverse volunteers, who contribute in a myriad of ways to enhance the provision of palliative care services in Greater Shepparton. No matter your cultural or spiritual background, GV Hospice Care provides assistance for diverse local people, as well as pathways for volunteers.
Volunteers’ activities are varied, and do not replace the work of paid employees. There are many roles and ways volunteers can help, such as seemingly small things like taking patients shopping or out for coffee.
Volunteers and community groups will be well taken care of at the new Hub, which has training facilities and modern amenities for everyone involved with GV Hospice to benefit from.
To learn about GV Hospice or to contribute, please visit their website at https://gvhospice.com.au/ or phone (03) 5822 0068.